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– A New Year for Me –
First I’d like to say that I am not a writer.
This all started with a Christmas present from my children called a Fit Bit. Our family has had a few bad years… in 2015 my daughter had chemotherapy, my older sister had breast cancer and my brother in law passed away at 52 from a heart attack in Aug. Life sucked. By the end of this year my husband was was diagnosed with colon cancer. Surgery would happen in the new year of 2016. So we start off another year with more stress gaining more weight and just not feeling good about life. At this point I’ve now been at my highest weight since I was pregnant with my children. I was spending a lot of time helping out in the community and doing service work with my Kwanis club and I kept telling myself « oh I will lose weight, I’ll be looking after it ». But would never get to it. Now with the new gift I thought « I have to get moving. » So starting on Jan 1, 2017 I started to move. By the end of January, I had accomplished 316,000 steps 5 days a week. I work out on the treadmill at my workplace, Key Industries. Thankfully we have a gym! I am down 10 lbs and I am feeling better each day. I am trying to eat better and exercising more. Now on to another month. I’m keeping it up! I hope to do a 5 K walk at Marathon by the Sea this summer… Wish me luck!