Harvest House Atlantic

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L’histoire du centre Harvest House Atlantic

Harvest House Atlantic opened in the summer of 1997, as a small drop in center where men and women could meet for counseling and fellowship. As Harvest House began to grow so did the issues and concerns of their guests.
After 20 years Harvest House is still thriving in the community of Moncton with a 32 bed Emergency Homeless Shelter, 36 unit Step Up Housing program, 9 month live in Recovery program, GED, Life Skill and many more services.
As Harvest House is celebrating 20 years of helping people in Atlantic Canada we are blessed to see the lives that are being impacted and changed like; Brian who has spent years as an alcoholic, but after graduating from our Recovery program is free from addiction and living life, or Jake who came into our Shelter after spending 2 nights on the streets, then moving into our Step Up housing program getting clean from his drug addiction and is now married, working full time evenings and spending his afternoons cuddling with his new born girl.
You can make a difference too by being kind and compassionate to those you encounter.
Harvest House Atlantic is connecting people of compassion with people in need to make a difference.